Sunday, September 11, 2016

Be A Proud One Issue Voter

Politicians fear the one issue voter because they cannot be negated or diffused. It forces politicians to deal with the issue. Strong one issue voting blocks are a politician's  nightmare. If politicians can't divide them they try to belittle them. If the Catholic vote stood for one issue in one national election- pro- abortion forces would be defeated for good.

It's not Wages or even Benefits -It's "Free Trade"

The decline of American manufacturing has at its core the "free Trade" as defined by elitist Democrats and international business Republicans. "Free Trade" is only free for those countries shipping into America. It has been in vogue to blame union wages, poor management, and benefits, when the problem is currency control, political trade deals,government dumping and even economic warfare. Trump has at least opened the window on the political nature of 'free trade."