Sunday, April 23, 2017

100 Days of Trump for Manufacturing

No President has accomplished more for manufacturing in 100 days.
$ Keystone pipeline
$ eneded Trans-Asian Trade deal
$ Ended War on Coal - eliminating endless regulations on coal
$ Reduction of EPA regulations
$ Executive order to look at steel dumping
$ personal interaction with business to bring jobs to America
$ Buy / Hire American order
$ started review of all trade deals
$ MOST of ALL a Focus to bring Manufacturing back-- not seen since William McKinley

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Concerns on Trump's China Policy

I have been a supporter of Trump as a manufacturer since day one. i hope and pray he is not going down the old rabbit of trading American jobs for political favors from China. Our trade policy has been since World war II to use trade as an international political tool instead of helping jobs, workers, and manufacturing in the United States. American workers want jobs- we must deal with Korea as a separate issue not as a trade issue.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

For you exceptional voters-- your vote counts- Trump Victories- repeal of out of country abortion federal dollars, a conservative and pro-life judge, a red line on the use of chemical weapons banded in the 1920s, repeal of EPA over reach regulations, more protection for religious liberty, challenges to "free" trade deals.

Exceptionalism - is a gift from our God but it begins with it the responsibility to up hold moral standards in a fallen world. It is the opposite of one world globalization, instead it is cooperative globalization. It is nationalistic but never militaristic or expansionist.